File Zip For Mac BETTER
Whatever your use case, the good news is that there's no need to download additional software to compress files in macOS. That's because Apple includes a built-in ability to zip files on your Mac, allowing you to quickly compress single files, groups of files, or entire folders. Keep reading to learn how.
File Zip For Mac
If you compressed a single file, the zip archive takes the same name and adds a zip extension. If you compressed more than one file or folder, the zip archive will be named "" by default.
With WinZip for Mac 2.0 or later, you can right-click (or press CTRL and click) your saved Zip files and use the Context Menu to unzip them. Click on Services at the bottom of the Context menu, then choose Unzip, Email as Zip File and Add to Zip.
In Windows, you can easily drop your file contents in a folder and then transport it to the location of your choice on your personal computer. Zip files work in the same way as your standard folders. The only difference is that, with zip files, the contents are compressed into a single folder.
Zip files are a collection of various files that have been compressed into one file. Zip files are easy to send and transfer since they decrease the file size. Both Mac and Windows come with an inbuilt compression feature that enables you to zip files. The zip files put all your files in one place. The file archive will put all the compressed files in one place. Therefore, it is a suitable option when you want to have a single file. Any extension with a .zip or .Zip is a zip file.
You can save time by combining several files into one before you send them via email. You don't have to attach the files one by one. All you have to do is create a zip file and attach it to the email you want to send. Here are the steps for how to zip a folder on Mac.
The compressed file will have the same name as the original folder. The only difference is that it will have a .zip extension at the end. The zip folder will also be in the same folder as the original folder. Those are the simple steps to how to compress a folder on Mac.
You can open your zip file by double-clicking on it. You'll see all the files in that zip folder. Zip files are handled internally on the Mac operating system. But there are also third party tools you can use.
That is how you open a zip file on Mac. The archive utility tool for Mac opens and extracts the zip files and places them in the same folder as the zip archive. Opening zip files on Mac is a matter of double-clicking whether you use the Unarchiver or Mac's archive utility tool.
File extraction means uncompressing the zipped files. You can extract your zip files on Mac by right-clicking on the .zip archive. Next, choose "open". In case you are using a third-party tool, choose the option "open with" and select "another archive tool".
Opening zip files is even easier, all you need to do is just double-click on the archive and it will expand automatically with Archive Utility in the same folder the archive is stored in.
That is for 10mb files like: smallzips.z01 smallzips.z02But you could use another compression to make smaller file instead. Look at tar gzip bzip etc. 1 file is always better that 2.
To compress several files and/or folders, create a new folder (Shift + Cmd + N) within Finder or on the desktop and name it whatever you want the zip to be called. Drag and drop the files you want to be in the zip, but hold down Alt before releasing the mouse button so the files are copied there. Then hold down Ctrl and click the folder, selecting the Compress option on the menu. Once zipping has completed, drag the folder you created to the Trash.
This is even easier than the last bit. You just have to double-click a zip file and it will open itself. The zip file will still be in its original location, but an unzipped copy will appear alongside it.
The allure of zipped files is simple: they allow you to directly send and receive files, or batches of files, without encroaching on file size limits. Often, email providers have limits on how large attachments can be. Zip files make it easy to bypass that limitation without sending multiple emails.
How do you open a zip file on a Mac? Or what's the best way to do that? There are, of course, several methods for creating archives, such as built-in utilities, Terminal, and third-party apps. Below, we are going to explore how to unzip files on Mac, how to create zip archives, and showcase some archivers that make it really easy to zip and manage zipped files.
A zip file is a lossless way to compress and archive files and folders. You often encounter zip files in emails, as mentioned, but also when downloading from the internet. If you've ever downloaded an app or extension directly from a developer website, chances are it was a zipped file.
It uses the '.zip' filename, and its icon is typically a folder with a zipper running up the middle. Zipping files is a time-tested method, and is largely unchanged. Its use-cases have expanded, though. We use zip files for sending large files and bundles of PDF or text files, but it's now used as a method to send large folders of images as well as for downloading applications or games from the internet.
Now that you know how to create a zip file on Mac, you may be wondering how to encrypt that zipped file. Archive Utility doesn't allow for this, but you can use the Terminal to accomplish this feat. Here's how:
BetterZip is an app that makes compression and encryption a breeze. In fact, you can set BetterZip up to encrypt all files by default! It uses strong AES-256 encryption, and has the same lossless compression you'll find with any zipping method.
If you'd like to use the same password for every file you encrypt, you can enter it in the filed just below 'encryption method'. If you don't supply a password, BetterZip will prompt you for one each time you zip and encrypt a file.
Unzipping files on your Mac is simple. The best method is using the built-in Archive Utility app. The process is simple, and essentially a reversal of the process for zipping a file. Here's how to unzip files:
To open zipped files and folders, both BetterZip and Archive are great options. We especially like BetterZip, here, because each zipped file or folder is previewed in the BetterZip window before you open it up. That way, you always know what you're about to open!
For this, we like BetterZip. It automatically offers up a preview of zipped files and folders on the right side of its screen. There's no guessing, or fussy methodology. All you have to do is select the file in BetterZip, and the preview loads immediately.
BIN is an archive file extension that is pretty rare these days, and accordingly not supported by most archive tools. The aforementioned Archiver and BetterZip can work with .bin files, though, so you can rely on them.
Apple hides the Archive Utility because it's a core service of the operating system. While this utility is tucked away, Apple makes zipping and unzipping files and folders extremely easy by selecting them in the Finder.
Usually, you use the Archive Utility without launching it. However, if you have a large number of files to compress or decompress, you should launch the utility and drag and drop files and folders on it. The Archive Utility is located at System > Library > CoreServices > Applications.
To unzip zipped files on a Mac, simply double-click on the zipped file and the Archive Utility tool will unzip the files, creating a new folder of its contents beside the zipped folder on your desktop.
Unlike ZIP files, RAR files needs software to unzip the files and turn them into a folder. Still, the process to unzip a RAR file on a Mac is relatively straightforward thanks to a free, compatible software known as The Unarchiver.
This willl -c reate a g -z ipped archive named -f ile from the -C hange-folder-to directory and will contain all files in the folder Downloads. The -C option is optional and the source-file arguments will be taken from the current folder if omitted.
EDIT, after many downvotes: I was using this option for some time ago and I don't know where I learnt it, so I can't give you a better explanation. Chris Johnson's answer is correct, but I won't delete mine. As one comment says, it's more accurate to what OP is asking, as it compress without those files, instead of removing them from a compressed file. I find it easier to remember, too.
The top level file of a zip archive with multiple files should usually be a single directory, because if it is not, some unarchiving utilites (like unzip and 7z, but not Archive Utility, The Unarchiver, unar, or dtrx) do not create a containing directory for the files when the archive is extracted, which often makes the files difficult to find, and if multiple archives like that are extracted at the same time, it can be difficult to tell which files belong to which archive.
Archive Utility only creates a __MACOSX directory when you create an archive where at least one file contains metadata such as extended attributes, file flags, or a resource fork. The __MACOSX directory contains AppleDouble files whose filename starts with ._ that are used to store OS X-specific metadata. The zip command line utility discards metadata such as extended attributes, file flags, and resource forks, which also means that metadata such as tags is lost, and that aliases stop working, because the information in an alias file is stored in a resource fork.
Normally you can just discard the OS X-specific metadata, but to see what metadata files contain, you can use xattr -l. xattr also includes resource forks and file flags, because even though they are not actually stored as extended attributes, they can be accessed through the extended attributes interface. Both Archive Utility and the zip command line utility discard ACLs.