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Make a statement without saying a word. Let your T-shirt do the talking.

Want to start a conversation or shut one down?  Would you like to dispell any and all doubts as to where you stand on some of Humanity's biggest issues?  (Read below to understand the rationale behind Socia-Tees)

Why argue about issues caused by political polarization, collusion, gerrymandering, Republican obstruction or Democratic acquiescence? Let our graphics tee shirts speak for you. Instead of trying to find like-minded people, tell the world where you stand and let those kindred souls find you. The World is way too divisive which, if not by design, sure is working out as if it were:  The masses continually get the short end of every stick offered as a way with which to beat the middle class and poor these days.

Truth Tees tell the World what you believe to be wrong with a political system that no longer represents most of its constituents.


Whether your issue is why elected officials only seem to pass laws that benefit the rich or why ecological agencies fail to enforce laws meant to save and preserve our environment.  Whether you can no longer see a difference between the two political parties, or the difference between a bad cop and the “good” cops who should be stopping the bad cop, you can raise these questions without raising your voice... or opening your mouth at all.

State your case, find your allies, avoid your foes and build consensus amongst those who share your values, beliefs, and dedication. Get your Truth Tees, Socia-Tees and raise awareness wherever you go.  Unite the disenfranchised, disillusioned and disaffected.

Want to start a conversation or shut one down?  Would you like to dispell any and all doubts as to where you stand on some of Humanity's biggest issues?  Say how you feel without opening your mouth with a Truth Tee from Miksons Entertainment.  Whether the issue you wish to address be social or political, a Truth Tee could be the right fit for you.  America has become so divisive over the past few years and no one seems willing to listen to the viewpoints of others.  To reunite our people, we here at Miksons Entertainment offer its customers their own personal billboards that speak volumes to the World.  Let your voice be heard, because THAT is one of the most patriotic things you can do as an American citizen

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