In this PART Two of my posts on Biden's greatest failures, I will discuss how Biden's administration an the unelected cabal of unelected malcontents have weakened America. First. however I want to bring an odd possibility to your attention. It will only take a paragraph or two to touch on this subject, because it is something that occurred to me only a few hours ago. First the question, then I my speculation:
"Why would the rich have bought up so much virtual real estate a few years ago?"
Other then for purely speculative reasons, why would rich people buy up Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) representing virtual properties in the Metaverse? Why would Mark Zuckerberg change the name of "Facebook" to "META"? I think the rationale behind both questions is the same.
The rich not only seek to control what most people perceive as reality, but they want to control the virtual world as well. While this may be explained as simply as this, it may be a little more nuanced. If you have more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime, why not possibly waste some of it on a virtual world you can control? If you are a transhumanist and hope to live forever as computer code in a virtual realm, why not hedge you bets and control the virtual realm as you controlled the tangible world? If you think this idea hyperbolic, consider the case of Ray Kurzweil who takes hundreds of pills daily and limits his caloric intake so he can live long enough to live forever. This and the many examples of the things the rich spend their money on today are example of true narcissism and why they should NOT have so much control.
Now, onto Biden's next failure. The loss of control over the Petrodollar. While I don't think any one country should have a world reserve currency, the fact is that America did. A brief history of the Petrol-Dollar is that it is based on the American Dollar and came to prominence after World War II. While Europe struggled to rebuild after WWII, America prospered as it all other nations looked to the United States of America to help them rebuild. One of the things to come out post-war was an agreement that crude oil would be traded in U.S. Dollars. This exchange for one of the largest and important commodities on Earth led to most countries deciding to convert their own currency to the U.S. Dollar for trade of oil and most other imports and exports. When the world chose to conduct most exchanges of goods and services in US Dollars, it gave the United States a De facto Hegemony. The Petrodollar in essence became the "Everything Dollar". America became the Petrodollar's greatest beneficiary, because it produced and controlled every Petrodollar brought into existence.
What most Americans fail to realize is that the fiat currency that is also known as the Petrodollar is not the first world's reserve currency and will mostly not be its last. Click here to see how the status as the World's reserve currency has changed hands *countries) over the 120 years prior to the year 2020. It's quite a stunning look at how America's dominance is fleeting. If you would like a glimpse at how fiat currencies have cone into and gone out of favor throughout history, click here.
So, while it may be hard for a single currency to over the U.S. Dollar as the World's reserve currency, how hard would it be for a group of countries to accomplish this feat? Could an economic system comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa )aka B.R.I.C.S.) pose a threat to the U.S. Dollar's dominance? If America sanctions so many countries to the point that the U.S. Dollar becomes useless to those countries, could those countries simply decide to create a currency that they could trade amongst themselves? With Saudi Arabia deciding to trade oil in the Indian Rupee and currencies other than the U.S. Dollar, couldn't that weaken the Dollar's hold and sway over the world?
this happened under Job Biden. As a matter of fact, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and America has only soared under Joe Biden. As another matter of fact, the Biden Administration has had to go "hat in hand " to countries like Venezuela for oil? Could the Venezuelan government have been disillusioned by American leaders (Trump and Biden) designating its leader as a dictator and attempting to denounce this Democratically elected president a dictator? And, as Biden designates several other world leaders as dictators, without any evidence that indicates these leaders have done anything close to what American presidents have doe for decades, why would the world have faith in America as an ally?
Biden's policies have weakened America militarily, economically and will only continue to do so, whether he is actually pulling the strings or being pulled.
Below is Part One of my posts about Biden's international failure
While the establishment screamed about how Donald Trump would be the end of America, far too many American voters overlooked Joe Biden's corrupt past. And, as some say.
"The best predictor of the future is the past."
I will leave it up to you to look back at Biden's past, but trust me, it peppered with all kinds of corruption and immoral behavior that speaks to his lack of integrity. So, if you believe me or have returned from doing your own research (which I recommend) into Biden's history and you've found little to no integrity in his policies or actions, do you think he should have ever been considered for the role of Leader of the Free World? While this title is, in and of itself a bit pretentious and full of Hubris, if it is taken on face value, should someone with so many examples of malicious behavior be a leader? Should someone who has sold out their country so their son could make millions in Ukraine be the person in charge of the U.S. military that might at some point defend Ukraine.
This brings me to the first of Biden's failures in foreign policy, the war in Ukraine: As the media propagandized the Public and lied it into seeking protection against a Russian onslaught, Biden pushed for billions to go to Ukraine. Even though Russia and Ukraine had a peace agreement called the Minks Agreement. Click here for details about the Minsk Agreement In it was an agreement to a ceasefire amongst other things that would have avoided the war that started a couple years ago.
What the U.S. and the west chose to do instead of maintaining a peace between Ukraine and Russia, was to arm the Ukrainians with the most-backwards thinking. To believe that Ukraine could ever defeat Russian could only come from the minds of people who believe their dominance is written in the stars. It could only come from a nations who think stealing the resources of smaller nations is justified. that kind of thinking could only come from the minds of people whose son worked for what was once deemed one of the most corrupt nations on the planet that also boasted an infestation of neo-Nazis. As for Russia's part, they basically sought a few concessions to avoid war: Ukraine not be allowed in NATO, Ukraine stop bombing Ukrainians who identified as ethically Russian in the Donbas region. Too bad the leadership of Ukraine listened to western leaders and pushed for the very things Russia warned them not to push for.
Now, after America has sent hundreds of billions to Ukraine instead of using that money to address things like the increasing poverty and homelessness in America, Ukraine is still lost. While American media downplays the number of young male Ukrainians killed in a useless war, Ukrainians themselves are having to come to grips with the fact that their country may no longer exist. If its demise isn't immediate, Ukraine's end is inevitable, due to the fact that an entire generation of young men (nearly 500,000 dead) being wiped off of the face of the Earth. While U.S. media reports completely different numbers of death, I prefer NOT to believe the same media that lied us into Iraq after 9/11. And, if you'd like some information that refutes any Ukrainian victory implied by the main stream media in America, consider the following:
Why would Ukraine resort to what seem such drastic measures as those discussed and written about in the above articles and videos if Ukraine was winning the war with Russia? Why would Ukraine need billions of more dollars if Russia was on the verge of collapse in their shared war?
As leader of the free world, Biden advocated for sanctions against Russia to weaken its economy. Not only has Russia's economy survived America's and the West's sanctions but it is strong now then it was before those sanctions. Click here to read how the Russian economy is handling sanctions. part of the problem with American sanctions is that America seems to sanction everyone these days, so everyone has had to ignore American sanctions and deal with each other as opposed to dealing with American hegemony. It's like when the kid with the ball takes his ball away, so the rest of the kids make their own ball and continues playing without the selfish kid. B.R.I.C.S. is becoming a much better prospect for all of the countries over which America and the countries of the West have tried to hold dominion. Russia is the "R" in B.R.I.C.S., so they can deal with other countries that don't mind ignoring American threats. The last point that e I will discuss about Biden's failure in Ukraine is the fact that his policies when dealing with that conflict have been so detrimental to America's supposed allies. Germany, the strongest economy in the European Union is in shambles, because of the destruction of the Nord stream pipeline. The pipeline that Biden threatened to end if Russia went to war with Ukraine. This last point relates to the next way I believe Biden's foreign policy has harmed America. This topic and others are listed below and will be discussed in the order provided below.
Because discussing Biden is so frustrating, I will tackle his next failure on December 31st. In that post I will ponder how "Leaving MILITARY equipment in Afghanistan not only does nothing for the reputation of the United States military, it causes great harm to it. Tomorrow I will be discussing how farmers and ranchers around the world are protesting actions that their governments are taking that will put them out of business.
Losing the Petro-dollar
Leaving MILITARY equipment in Afghanistan
The loss of ally support around the Globe, specifically due to blind support if Israel
Picking fights with countries like China which are pushing for equitable trade with others.
It is so disheartening that so few American's seem to see that Biden is causing all of the harm that the establishment said Donald Trump would cause and then some... Threatening nuclear powers was never something that the establishment thought Trump would do, but guess who is threatening two of the largest nuclear powers in the world.
In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.
In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.