As I warned in 2018, in my book referenced below, the rich are turning country after country into one ghetto after another. The question I asked them and believe to be even more relevant today is...
"What will the rich do when they turn the entire planet into one giant ghetto?
What will they do when all of those who serve the rich realize that their employer's wealth, influence, power and control are causing harm to their family, friends and the majority of the population? Will the elites use the shock collars they've asked technologists to invent to keep their servants and security forces at bay? Or will robots have supplanted humans as their servants? When I asked these questions in my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America!" in 2018, robots where not as advanced as what we see Boston Dynamics creating today. In 2018, artificial intelligence (AI) was an idea that still felt like a distant goal. Today however, we have robot dogs with guns for heads. Today, we have AIs that can create realistic audio, images and videos that are nearly indistinguishable from reality. This all in a time when government seems incapable of stopping the most blatant of crimes, including those committed within its own ranks. When the highest office in the land (The Presidency) is corrupt, every office beneath it (public and private) is more likely to be corrupt. If the highest court in the land (the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)) lacks or even appears to lack integrity, your land or nation lacks integrity. This is something that should have been made apparent by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (AOC) impeachment files against two of the justices sitting on the SCOTUS currently.
As a civilization, Humanity has come so far from societies that were powered by economic systems like Slavery which proceeded Feudalism which gave way to our current economic system of Capital. Though each were steps towards greater humanitarianism, they each shared at least the following commonality. In all of these systems, there was a minority that reaped their benefits from the subjugation of others. In slavery, masters brutalized slaves. In Feudalism, elites kept the masses indebted for life. In Capitalism, the employer benefits from the labor of the employee for most of their lives. And though many will say Capitalism gives the employee the choice to work or not, this is nothing more than the illusion of choice, because the alternative to not working in Capitalism is starvation, destitution and homelessness. One simple need look at how Gavin Newsom and other leaders around the United States have handled the homelessness crisis to understand the real choice offered in Capitalism... Work or die. Given the fact that employers are now seeking ways to replace employees with robots and AI, it seems like more people are being left with only one of those choices. Given the fact that the rich are buying up everything, including the means of producing food, it looks as if we are regressing to a form of Neo-Feudalism, which as inferred above could merely be one step away from a Neo-Slavery.
People around the world better wake up. Even those who are benefitting from good-paying jobs controlled by the elite, because once those elite have taken from everyone else, they will be coming to take from you. No one is immune from the greed exhibited by those with the most. Just look at what the Prince MBS did to his family.
So, as Capitalism moves along, the elite will continue to devour the wealth of everyone else until they have no choice but to devour one another. At this point, the poor will be even poorer, the middle class will be poor, the upper middle class will be poor and the slightly to moderately wealthy will be poor. At this point, those who live in gated communities will have to deal with those living outside those gates. The ultra wealthy will retreat to their private islands or converted missile silo bunkers or mile long ships that never return to port. It's hard to deny this speculative future when one looks at the turmoil that is being created around the Globe. Western countries like American and the United Kingdom have bludgeoned countries around the Globe with their ideology and plundering for decades. Now, people from the countries to which America and western countries have caused so much harm are migrating into countries far from their families with cultures and languages that are foreign to them majority of immigrants. In the UK, the consequences of such activity is be felt in the most disheartening ways. In the instance reported in this clip, three children paid the ultimate price for the things done by the elite. In America, millions of people from countries that America caused so much harm, directly and indirectly, are being allowed into its borders. Without thinking about the consequences of these people realizing America is at fault for their plight, our leaders are prioritizing these potential, future sleeper cell participants over Americans. The worst part being that it will be everyone (except the ultra wealthy) who will pay the price when the illegal immigrants realize who is at fault.
It's time to stop the tyranny, the inequity and the centralized control that is leading Humanity back to a time when more suffered and growth stagnated. It's time to decentralize control in every aspect of mankind's existence. It's time to let the will of the majority be the will of the People. The alternative is increased poverty and suffering.
In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.
In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.