If I were an alien race that sought to conquer Earth, I would first soften up its apex species. The trick is deciding on the best way to achieve such a feat.
One could bombard that species until its collective spirit was broken, but this would require so much destruction and maybe you might wish to study their habitat. Maybe not. Maybe there is some other reason for not wanting to destroy Humanity and all that Humanity has created. Maybe an alien race would seek to poison the atmosphere or water. Maybe not. No matter what the aliens plan, softening up the target before mounting any type of attack would be an important preliminary step.
To me, there couldn't have been a better way to soften up Humanity then to introduce cell phones. Just think about the paradox that cell phones and the information available through their use represents. In the twenty first century, almost all, if not all of mankind's knowledge is available on the Internet, yet people are more ignorant about the world in which they live. People can learn more about those they choose to follow but seem to realize how little those leaders improve or even help them in their lives. People don't seem to even seem to have a sense of survival these days as so many walk down the street, head down while self driving cars become more prolific every day. Parents walk through parking lots with their kids on the outside, closer to passing cars. Fewer people know how to grow food or even cook it today. Debt is becoming ubiquity in a time when income, savings and wealth are dwindling due to inflation. The masses accepted an experimental genetic vaccine that the inventor of the technology used to administer it said was being used incorrectly. If before forced to take a vaccine under threat of not being able to work isn't and indicator of us being wages slaves, I don't know what would be. And, the list of ways in which Humanity has squandered all of the efforts of those who brought us the knowledge so conveniently compiled on the World Wide Web goes on and on and on. In a time when all of Humanity's knowledge is available to almost all humans, people seem dumber and more ignorant than ever before.
What's worse than Humanity's inexplicably increasing stupidity and ignorance is the lack of community that cell phones seem to have caused. In a time when the way in which we communicate with one another has made it so one person can converse with another person on the opposite side of the Globe, people don't seem to be communicating any better than when letters took months to reach their destination. All of the images, texts, videos we share with one another. All of the personal information we share with one another. All of the talking we do with one another seems to only fall in deaf ears. People have posted some of their most private and intimate details online, but no one seems to be listening. Individuals with millions of followers have erased themselves from this world. It feels like we're all characters in an episode of the Twilight Zone, which I guess lends credence to the simulation theory.
i personally have floated the Mandela Effect as the reason Trump became president. Somewhere, in a parallel universe, Trump got another season of "The Apprentice" and to this day he is still telling has beens "You're Fired"
Now, do I really believe aliens are preparing to attack us? No. Though I think the probability of life occurring on another planet is higher than the it not occurring, I also think there's something to Fermi's Paradox. Advanced, intelligent species, no matter where they are in the Universe will develop and use the technology to destroy themselves before they can develop and use they technology to visit other planets. Just think about the way things are working out here in Earth. Why have so many technologies here advanced exponentially (computers, cell phone, ioT, AI, etc) yet we can't design a gas-powered car that gets more than 40-50 miles per gallon?
For the purpose of this post however, let's just say some alien race made it to our solar system, seeking to save its own species from extinction. If I were a member of that desperate alien race, I would send in my best infiltrators, Apple I. Phone, Sam Sung, Pixel and the like to spread the gospel according to AT&T, Verizon, Mint. I would point out how glorious it is to talk when no one is listening, to share when no one cares, to subvert one's on privacy while wearing an electronic leash upon which your employer can yank even on your days off. I would sell Mankind the idea of Freedom while they are forced to keep jobs that pay them enough to stay in debt. Jobs that for many, end only in poverty. Jobs that keep them as wages slaves, because like it or not, the current system overwhelmingly requires you work for someone else or die. This is why I've said for years, America is moving backwards, towards a neo-feudalism which is one step away from a neo-slavery. As Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum says and leaders like Justice Trudeau believe
"You will own nothing and be happy"
At least they got it half right... Call me🤣
In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.
In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.