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Eye opener for August 08, 2024: Why would anyone donate to a political campaign?

Why donate to the campaign of a billionaire like Trump. He might go after his political opponents since someone tried to kill him, but how would this benefit a single voter's life? He might deescalate the possibility of war with China and Russia, but what about all of the other people in Congress? It is, afterall, the job of Congress to declare war, not the President. The President just gets to execute the wars that Congress starts.

And, why would you donate a single penny to the Democratic party? That party has consistently put however they want up as their candidate. Whoever has been put up as the Democratic candidate for decades has been whoever the elite wanted to be the Democratic candidate.

No one voted for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee but she is the presumptive Democratic nominee. Do you think all of those who donated money for Biden's campaign are okay with their money just being given to Harris? Do you buy one thing at the store and just agree to the store giving you something else. Hell, Walmart is more democratic than the Democratic party. At least you get what you paid for at Walmart. The DNC or DCCC even defended itself in court by saying it's a private organization and it can choose whoever it wants to be their candidate. This was after people sued because it was discovered that donating to Bernie Sanders never meant he had a shot at the Democratic nomination... Look it up. Donna Brazil said the Democratic nomination was rigged. So did Elizabeth Warren. Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic party because of this false.

Save your money because ette same politician you donate it to is going to allow the economy collapse just as will his or her opponent. You're going to need every dime in the coming years. Don't waste your money on empty promises.

In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.

In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.


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