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Eye opener for August 06, 2024: Control the food. Control the people

Consider the implications that Bill Gates controlling Farmland would have on the World in general and America specifically. For years Americans have heard how hard owning and operating a farm has been. In that time Americans have seen how farming as increasingly becoming a corporately-controlled industry.

According to the linked referenced above, in 2017 thirty percent of farmland was owned by non-operators who leased that land to actual farmers. This sounds a lot like Sharecropping which was a system of farming used shortly slavery was abolished.

Does this feel like anything but a step in the wrong direction to anyone except me?

As bad as what the previous paragraph portends, let's just stick to the question as to whether Bill Gates owning so much farmland in America is a good or bad thing for Humanity. The most succini answer I can provide is it's a bad thing. An more detailed assessment would be that is it an astoundingly detrimental development which will have dire effects for decades to come. I base my conclusion on the behavior(s) Bill Gates has exhibited to date and will cite a few here. When Oxford University offered to provide the patent on their COBID-19 vaccine for free, the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation urged the school not to do so, and thusly, Oxford signed an exclusive deal with AstraZeneca

He also opposed sharing the vaccine formula with poorer countries while saying we needed to vaccinate our way out of the COVID pandemic and pushing for vaccine mandates.

He made $500 million dollars on a $50 million dollar investment on the mNRA vaccine technology the said that technology was not good when he invested in a nasal spray technology company seeking to fight COVID.

Another testament to his moral fortitude, or lack thereof, is that he frequently visited Jefferey Epstein's pedophile island. This was not before Epstein was accused of being a pedophile who used underaged girls to trade sexual favors for money, power and pleasure. This was not before he was tried for such behavior. Bill Gates visit Epstein's Island of abuse after Jefferey had been convicted and served time for his crimes.

Now, someone please tell me how a man with Bill Gates' history could ever be trusted with a commodity required for the survival of the Human race? And then explain to me, why Gates would even want to own so much farmland when the news for decades has been how difficult it is to make a living as a farmer? What did and does he know that told and tells him that owning farmland in the 21st century is a winning venture? From his reluctance to share the vaccine technology, we all know it's not a sense of charity that drives him. Could it be that Bill Gates understands the amount of control one holds when one controls something everyone needs to live. Should one man, especially a man like Bill Gates hold the fate of so many in the palm of his hands? Let's ask the girls from Jefferey Epstein's Island answer that question.

In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.

In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.


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