Consider the following: Technology around the world has more than likely reached a tipping point where it is a part of most people's lives. Cell phones are so ubiquitous that it feels more like Humanity has relied upon them for centuries as opposed to the few, short decades in which they have available to the masses. It is scary thing to consider that something as embedded in so many of our lives as cell phones are is a technology that so few us understand or have knowledge of its inner workings.
I have a Bachelors in Science for Electrical Engineering, but I know little about all of the technology that goes into a cellphone. How much do you know about what it takes to create a smartphone. I suspect that very few people do know. I suspect that even those involved in the creation of smartphones understand most of the components of a smartphone. How much do most of the people on this planet know about the technology that goes into making a smartphone? Most people are oblivious about the child labor that mines the rare Earth minerals and those who do must ignore this fact or deal with the crisis of conscience to continue using them, so I doubt they care about the technology on anything more than a surface level.
This, however is not the biggest problem with cellphones. It's not the radiation that we may or may not be exposed to or the cancer that said radiation may cause. It's not the fact that Humanity has what is arguably the best means of communication that has ever existed, but seems to be less effective at communicating than ever. It's not the fact that so many people potentially hold all of Mankind's knowledge in the palm of their hand, but seem dumber than ever. It's the technology, or more accurately the potential that every advancement in technology represents. In the case of cellphones, consider the self imposed isolation in which so many of us live today. I pay more attention to my phone than anyone in my life. I search the internet for interesting ideas, socially impactful news stories and even evidence about the existence of UFOs or UAPs. I'm like an addict who needs a bigger fix, because last year's story about tick tack UFOs is no longer cutting it. This may just be my burden to bear, but looking around, I seem to only see people who appear to be shoe gazers staring and those five, six, seven inch screens.
Everyone is in their own little world as they walk amongst the other cellphone zombies. It's as if someone or some group of someone's want us all to be distracted by they get away with murder and I don't mean this in a hyperbolic way. While so many of us are distracted, American leaders orchestrate yet another bombing campaign. Whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lybia, Yemen, Ukraine, Gaza, etc. American leadership is involved in the destruction of enemy and ally alike. When we controlled the fields supplying 70% of the poppies in the world, America had a opioid epidemic. After our president said the Nordstream pipeline would be a hunk of metal at the bottom of the ocean, the biggest ecological act of terrorism was committed which led to Germany (an American ally) paying four times as much for its gas. When Qaddafi suggested that African nations use gold to trade for oil instead of the American dollar, his was deposed and a sword was shoved up his backside and now Lybia has open-air slave markets. Now, I put the following question to you: If so many of us miss the fact that we are constantly and so easily led into the atrocity of war, how will we know when we're being manipulated in much smaller ways? How could we ever hope to help ourselves and those around us, if we continually allow those leading us to give more and more to an ever-shrinking group of elite.
As far as technology is concerned, who truly benefits from the advancements being made. Does a cellphone that costs as much as a car used to cost really make your life better? Does a car that costs as a house used to cost provide you with better protection from the elements? Does a house you can't afford do anything for you? It seems to me that the biggest transformation that technology provides is the way your wealth is transformed into someone else's wealth. If you look at the ways in which technology has allowed the world's wealth to be filtered to the rich, it's quite scary and I haven't even touched on how bad the impact of Artificial Intelligence will be on Humanity. I guess that will be tomorrow's post.
In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.
In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.