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Writer's pictureChris Ossman

Eye opener for June 18, 2024: Pit them against themselves

All ine need do yo realize what the elites may do yo the rest of us is look at what they've done and are doing in Haiti. With American and other western nations intervention, the elites (rich) in Haiti have pitted their citizens against one another. American leaders are either incompetent in regards to what is happening or they are ignoring the tragedy occurring or they are actively participating in the implosion that has been taking place for decades.

Of course America's main stream media has played its part as it spreads propaganda about a Haitian leader they claim to be a cannibal. Just watch this clip to understand why ywe can nit trust news sources that are funded by the very entities they should be investigating. If however you don't want to watch the clip or don't have the time, I will break it down for you now.

Basically, there is a leader in Haiti called Jimmy Barbe Que who western news sources have labeled a cannibal. Those same news sources are also responsible for headlines like "40 decapitated babies in Israel attacks" or "Julian Assange is a rapist", "Russel Brand is a rapists", "Iraqi soldiers took babies out of incubators and left them to die on the cold floor", "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction", "Joe Biden is not in mental decline", "Hunter Biden's laptop stories were all lies". The list goes on, but hopefully you get the point. So, this Jimmy BBQ has been united the people of Haiti lawful and criminal alike to fight against the propaganda and financial backing that the elite have used to keep Haitians in conflict with one another. BBQ's message pointed our how no matter where on the political, economic or social spectrum you fit, the only group that was benefitting was the elites. While the majority of Haitians lived , fought and died in Squalor, the top 10 to 15 percent of Haiti's citizens were living in ivory towers. Towers from where these elite orchestrate a self emulation of their own nation. Towers from where they have orchestrated a symphony of death where the players kill one another for the scrapes not horded by that wealthy cohort. The clip also points out how the rich went to other nations to import murderous mercenaries to come in once their tactics of pitting Haitian against Haitian were exposed and failing. The leaders of Haiti actually went to an African nation to recruit sone of the most malicious mercenaries on the planet to combat those seeking to unite Haitians against their common enemy GREED.

Now, you may think this ford not apply to your nation's leadership or the elite controlling that leadership, but look at the trends. The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. The middle class is getting poorer. The upper middle claß is getting poorer. All but the wealthy are getting poorer and more desperate as the American dream has become leaving America. Maybe only the elites of Haiti have the disdain exhibited in that country over the past few decades, but what indicators have you seen that imply greater compassion amongst your elite?

In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.

In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.

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