Not only do I think that most people don't realize what's coming, I know they don't... At least in America. This is utterly apparent when every American's social security information gets stolen and it doesn't make all headlines or the "Breaking News" on CNN.
How could something as integral to every American's life as social security information not get blasted out by every news source? Perhaps this would be an indicator of just how inept our Government is today. How could American leaders in the 70s and 80s ever comprehend new technology? They probably don't know how to use smart phones for anything other than making phone calls. And before anyone points out that these old people have people to handle these tech issues, let me point out that those people informing our old ass leaders on new tech could be the same people hacking everything. Those old people in DC who control our Government in no way could tell the difference between a good and bad tech actor. A bad tech actor could just as easily convince them of the benefits of nefarious tech as a good tech actor could. In what area could any of these old people have the expertise and continued education to effectively regulate an industry?
I'm no spring chicken, so I'm not being Ageist when I point out the folly of keeping old people in power. In a world in which technology advances at our current pace, there is no way America should have these old, often very rich, people determining the best course for our country and its ever-growing indentured servitude.
In 2018, I wrote a book highlighting the problems Humanity would face if more power, wealth, and control was funneled to a small group of elite individuals, groups, or organizations. In my book, I provided solutions (from myself and others) to the inevitable problems and also a means for the Public to analyze, compare, and contrast the words and deeds of those we choose to follow against reality. In my book Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.
In "Solutions...", I provide the means for readers to disseminate information as provided by their news sources of choice, their elected officials, and any other authority they choose to follow. The book also offers a means to hold their leaders up, not just to a higher standard than is currently accepted but to one that would improve their lives and the lives of those for whom they care.